As a Major Group, your Intellectual Property (IP) strategy is dedicated to your competitive strategy. Whatever your objectives, our team supports you to ensure that your intellectual property investments meet your market challenges.
As a Major Group, your Intellectual Property (IP) strategy is dedicated to your competitive strategy. Whatever your objectives, our team supports you to ensure that your intellectual property investments meet your market challenges.
Most of our intellectual property specialists (engineers and attorneys) have gained experience in IPR departments in large corporations, so we have built our organization to adapt to your way of working. This allows us to quickly provide answers adapted to your needs.
You can use intellectual property for several purposes: supporting and stimulating your R & D, improving your technological image, protecting your markets from competition, or as a defensive or deterrent tool, even internationally. Whatever your challenges, we have the capability to understand them and support you accordingly. Our transparent and fixed-price policy allows you to maintain visibility and control your budget.